Tech entrepreneur relocating to Italy

Eric a self-made entrepreneur, experienced a sudden increase in wealth due to his successful tech venture. He considered several jurisdictions and finally decided to relocate to Italy due to the favourable climate, to experience the Italian lifestyle, enjoy a villa he bought and take advantage of the tax regime. When we met him, he was already in Italy. He needed support in his transition in both relocating but also incorporating a review of his family’s affairs, succession and estate planning. He wanted peace of mind that his affairs both in the present and future were considered and to provide him with the flexibility and the bandwidth to pursue his interests which is to continue to explore innovations in tech and to invest in new projects.

Client's Goals

  • An adequate level of comfort over the overarching risks facing the family (e.g. estate planning)
  • To free up time to focus on investments and personal projects and have quality time for family
  • Estate planning
  • Asset protection
  • Streamlining his relocation to Italy (coordination of real estate assets search, coordination of key staff search (i.e. executive PA), introduction and coordination of top local professionals, introductions to schools and other international families in Italy. Liaising with local banks, public authorities
  • Second opinion on real estate assets, financing and restructuring


  • Streamlining his admin burden to allow for peace of mind
  • Review of entire scope of assets and affairs
  • Assess risks and prioritise
  • Trust structure for a portion of his assets (future proofing)


  • Stonehage Fleming took care of the relocation to Italy and all administration issues so that the relocation itself turned into a pleasant experience
  • Fiscal optimization among different jurisdictions (UK, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, USA)
  • Defined a correct succession plan and established a trust to safeguard his assets
  • Creation of a diversified portfolio with SF management and advisory of investment strategy
  • Developed significant relationships with likeminded

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