During our June 2024 NextGen programme, Tom Stuttaford discussed the importance team work, improving communication skills through a dragon's den style competition.
It is a day for the children of clients of
of Stone ha Fleming.
The idea is to improve their teamwork skills
and to improve their communication skills.
And this is done through a Dragons Den style competition.
Our job is to enhance the communication skills,
the presentation skills of the participants.
They all have to come up with a business idea
and to tell the story of that idea,
and I help them with the story,
and I help them with their communication skills.
One of the key purposes of the day is
to underscore the value of personalizing,
the importance of using your own personal narrative when you
speak, being true to your own style, your own language,
and injecting your own thoughts
and your own feelings into the presentation.
Our job is to enhance the communication skills
of the 34 participants.
There's a lot of noise in the world in which we live,
and if you can cut through that noise,
you have a major advantage.