By: Matthew Fleming
Matthew Fleming, Partner - Head of Family Governance & Succession hosted a fireside chat in November, which focused on creating a narrative for a family's wealth.
We talked today about the importance of
creating a narrative for a family's wealth.
We reflected on the importance of a sense of purpose,
the importance of a a broader family purpose.
It is a shared purpose
and not necessarily an imposed purpose,
but also giving individuals room to develop their own sense
of purpose within that sort of broader sense of
responsibilities that go hand in hand
with the situation they're born into.
We talked about the importance of leadership
and communication within the family.
We were incredibly lucky to have Jessica McGawley
with us from Dallington Associates
as she talked about techniques for active listening.
She talked about the importance
of starting conversations early, emotional consistency.
As a true family office, we put the family at the heart
of our business model, not their assets.
Creating a community of really high quality people
who support families as a family,
not just their wealth is critical to
what we do Through our challenges as a family, we have
to be prepared to step up and help them,
and today was all part of explaining how we do that.