By: Doris Sommavilla
Find out more about Stonehage Fleming's Family Office
There are several challenges for, uh,
international families relocating to Italy.
The first one is language and cultural barrier.
The second is lack of coordination among, uh,
providers and advisors in Italy.
The third one is timing.
While the first two are pretty straightforward, I'd like
to spend a little bit of time on timing.
If someone wants to become Italian fiscal residents
by 2024, it needs to have moved to Italy
and acquired fiscal resident
by end of June.
In order to meet this deadline, six months
of preparation are needed.
Let's say this person needs to start at least beginning
of January, six months.
Give just enough time for the individual to start
to look for a property, to collect documents,
and to get the registrations done.
And also it gives enough time
for a Italian fiscal authority to give a positive
or negative opinion on the application.